Personal Profile Reading, writing, listening and speaking. My passion lies in teaching elementary students how to build these fundamental skills, and more importantly supporting ALL students to be college and career ready. I have been teaching and learning with children in the Northern California for 11 years. I work in Napa Valley Unified school district and am currently supporting teachers as a District Academic Specialist focused on ELA/ELD. I am the mother of two girls, Mary (8) and Ellie (6) who inspire me daily to grow and learn.
Reflections As I reflect on my personal learning and development in the Innovative Learning Masters program at Touro University, I feel I have a much deeper understanding of how to engage students in teaching and learning. Teaching is an art, it is not black and white and can't be delivered page by page. It is an intricate business that begins with student engagement. To me this is where my deeper understanding of TPACK has made an impact. To truly engage students and make connections to 21st century learning, the teacher/facilitator of learning has to bring together technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge in different, yet relevant contexts. In working with teachers on a daily basis I want to create a learning space that provides students a chance to work collaboratively and engage in critical thinking at many levels. ALL students are capable of doing this and as teachers we need to ensure we have rigorous, worthwhile tasks that students engage in daily. We need to provide students the scaffolds and feedback necessary to become independent scholars. I am dedicated to refining and sharing this knowledge with teachers through the various Professional Learning opportunities we have built at Napa Valley Unified.
Lasting Leanings My learning from this program lives on daily in my current work. In my unique position, I work not only with students but with teachers. Throughout this program I have been able to experience adult learning in a new way. In education we are still operating in a world where our learning is stagnant with little reflection or process time. It is not enough to train teachers how to use new curriculum, strategies, and technology, they need to have time to understand how to integrate that technology into teaching and learning. This cohort has provided me with support, collaboration, and encouragement to strive to do better; it has also confirmed my feelings that together we are better--the power of teachers learning together IS priceless!