How might resources in EDUC 702 support with my EDUC 791 prototype?
I have really enjoyed exploring the different technology tools in this class. Specifically, this session exploring different ways to share information with teachers and students. I have explored EdPuzzle, Vocaroo, and Adobe Spark. I also explored a number of different ways to build out my prototype, and landed on using Lucid Chart. This is a great tool, in addition to to use with teachers as they are planning out series of lessons.
Thoughts on...
How I will incorporate EdPuzzle into my Prototype? Ed Puzzle is AMAZING! Wow, such an easy user interface and the fact that you can do it with any video is great. We are currently using Edivate, NVUSD online learning platform, and in building out courses I am struggling with building in questions throughout videos and easy voice over. So, now I would like to create in Ed Puzzle and then question, will it be able to download into an MP4? As for use within my Prototype...I am thinking incorporating quick videos that showcase different strategies, that will provide the "What" for teachers. Such a quick and easy way to share information, and leverages that "flipped learning", which allows teachers to chose what they want to learn more about.
How I will incorporate Vocaroo into my Prototype? I am exploring how to use Vocaroo for students to hear themselves read, or to hear an audio recording of a more complex passage of text. This supports my driving question of: What is the impact of focused language instruction when leveraging the feedback of a comprehension tool? I look forward to including this as a resource for teachers to use with students struggling with complex text. This will enable them to focus on how they can comprehend the text, vs. just struggling to decode it. I might also include some of the "flipped learning" aspect, and record some snippets to include as well.
How I will incorporate Adobe Spark into my Prototype? Adobe Spark is a great free resource that I might use on my landing page, a teaser to get teachers into the reason for my capstone project and some of the resources that will support teachers in providing feedback to students about reading comprehension.
So many more tools I have been exploring, but these are the ones that I have begun to experiment for and will include within my EDUC 702 Weebly page for consideration when I am building out my Capstone website.